Virtual Keyboard/Hands

Virtual Keyboard helps beginner students to improve typing accuracy.
Hands indicates correct finger to use.

Advanced students can hide them in the Settings to verify thiers typing skills.

Import/Export data

You can easily import list of your students or teachers to our system.
Our system is optimize to save your time and enhance students progress!

Custom courses and tests

We are offering comprehensive list of predefined typing courses and tests but your can create your own lessons better tailored to your class demands.
You can create unlimited number of courses to adjust typing lesson to your school profile.

Different types of account

Based on your needs you can create account which suits you best to not be overwhelmed which features you don‘t really need.

Advanced Students and Class reports

Control the progress of your students and classes.

Dedicated URL address

You can create a school with unique name as subdomain e.g. ‚demo-school’. Then you and your students can simply access system by


1 year
Per student: $0
Total: $0
2 years (-10%)
Per student: $0
Total: $0
Save: $0
3 years (-20%)
Per student: $0
Total: $0
Save: $0
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